You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.1. Maintenance - Edit User IDs > Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 6. POS Security

Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 6. POS Security

The User File Update screen - POS Security tab is where you setup security for users of the Micronet Point of Sale (POS) system. You can apply default cash registers to each POS user and setup their POS security settings. Please note that user security can be setup for each register you establish within POS.



For more details on setting up cash registers in POS, refer to "File - Cash Register".

To setup POS security:

  1. Add a new user, or open an existing user's record.

Refer to "Adding a New User" or "Updating a User".

Micronet displays the User File Update screen - Main tab.

  1. Select the 6. POS Security tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Can Open Cash Draw

Select Yes to allow this user to trigger electronic cash drawers, or No if they cannot.


Can Delete an Order

Select Yes to allow this user can delete an outstanding POS order, or No if they cannot.


Can Delete a Quote

Select Yes to allow this user to delete an outstanding POS quote, or No if they cannot.


Can Amend an Order

Select Yes to allow this user to amend an outstanding POS order, or No if they cannot.

Note that even when this field is set to No, the user can still amend POS quotes.


Can Finalise an Order

Select Yes to allow this user to finalise an outstanding POS order, or No if they cannot.


Can Override Deposit Amount

Select Yes to allow this user to override the Deposit Amount as calculated on the order, or No if they cannot.

For more details about the default deposit amount, refer to Updating Default Settings for POS Enhanced under "Edit - Applications - POS".


Can Set a Total Discount Amount

Select Yes to allow this user to apply an overall discount/price to a sales order, or No if they cannot.


Override Full Payment on Cash Sale Invoice

Select Yes to allow this user to override the full payment amount on a cash sale invoice, or No if they cannot.


Can Change Salesman on Order

Select Yes to allow this user to change the salesperson on an order, or No if they cannot.


Default Register

Enter or select the user's default register.


Can User Change Printer

Select Yes to allow this user to change the default printer in POS, or No if they cannot.


Can User Override Payment on tax invoice

Select Yes to allow this user to override the payment on a tax invoice, or No if they cannot.


Display POS Price Change Warning

Select Yes if you want a warning displayed to this user when Micronet changes the buy price of an item on an order according to whether there is enough stock on hand to fulfil the order. Select No if you don't want this warning displayed.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.